Process  cranes  are  a  part  of  the  production  process,  so  their operation  directly   influences   production   performance.

Every downtime  is  reflected  in  the  downtime  of  the  process,  every delay  prolongs  the  production  cycle.  For  this  reason,  process cranes are specifically designed to ensure the greatest possible performance of each process.

The individual approach allows the existing production capacities to be used with maximal efficiency and  the  robust  production  ensures  that  this  efficiency  is  also permanently guaranteed with maximum reliability.


In our company, we specialize mainly in the production of such cranes.

Below  are  some  examples  that  are  mostly  used  in practice. Of course, due to the individual design, the products are not limited to the presented areas. The only limit is imagination …

Metalna – SRM d.o.o.

Soška ulica 5

2000 Maribor


Case Studies