Manufacture of equipment and parts for industrial purposes

According to own documentation:

Manufacture of various equipment and parts of equipment for industrial purposes

(structures, machine parts, workshop assembly …). 

procesna dvigala metalna
Crane cabin
Tekalna kolesa dvigal metalna
Crane wheels
Reduktor metalna
Ogrodje mačke metalna
Obračalka-vagonov metalna
Train turning platform

According to the client’s documentation

Izdelava različne opreme in delov opreme za industrijske namene (konstrukcije, strojni deli, delavniška montaža …). 

Klešče za dvig zapornic metalna
Tongs for raising of barriers
Dvižni nosilec metalna
Tongs to raise the gates
Del ogrodja obdelovalnega stroja metalna
Machine framework
Livna ponev metalna
Foundry ladle
Potopne cevi metalna
Imersion tube
Segment metalna
Dvižno-izvlečni oder metalna
Maintance trolley
Šaržirna posoda metalna
Batch cointainer